Wednesday, October 05, 2016

I am not a morning person

I am not a morning person. I am a creature of the night! Dark and mysterious! (not really) But this morning I rose early and it was beautiful outside.

It was foggy and slightly cool.

There was dew on the rue... and everything else too!

I discovered some new mushrooms that had popped up by the old locust stump. 

And checked in on the little pixie houses in the woodpecker holes.

The sun climbed a little higher, and there was a moment when the light was glorious perfection!

It was beautiful.

(But I'm still not a morning person :P )

Tuesday, October 04, 2016

Plugging away

As per usual, I have a week of crazy daily posts, then silence. If I were organized (which I am not) I would schedule my posts, distributing them over time. I really don't have any idea what I'm doing and I'm such a scatterbrain.

But even though I've been quiet over the past week I have been working. I have a few projects waiting on the edge of their seats to be posted. And there's loads of WIP's on my work table. I've even started on some cheeky snowballs!

I didn't make any last year, and to be honest I was grateful for the break, but I'm looking forward to forming those naughty tongues once more.

Anyway, I just wanted to pop my head in, let you know that I'm dandy and have not fallen off the face of the earth. I hope you're well and good and busy too. New projects very soon, I pinky swear!


P.S. Here's a love story picture of me and my mower. We're in love. It's a very passionate affair.

Monday, September 26, 2016

Wildfire and True Luv 4 Evah!

I've been working on a package of Game of Thrones goodies for a crafty buddy. Last night I made a little bottle of Wildfire... and then things just sort of grew.

Wildfire Miniature GoT Table - Nichola Battilana

A table full of glowy green vials of dangerous stuff, scrolls, bowls and more.

Wildfire Miniature GoT Table - Nichola Battilana

Can we talk about my hands for a second. I have serious envy when I see other lady crafters hands in vids and pics. Beautifully manicured nails, clean, long delicate lady-like fingers! And here's my forever grotty grungy digits. My filthy uneven nails. My little kid hands. *sigh* I do like that they reflect work... but a day of dainty would be nice once in a while. 

Wildfire Miniature GoT Table - Nichola Battilana

But, I digress... the little table is an inexpensive and wobbly wooden thing from the kids section of a discount store. The vials can be found HERE. The little bowls and jugs are made from air dry terra cotta clay.

Wildfire Miniature GoT Table - Nichola Battilana

I also made a little mixed media matchbox...

"You're mine. Mine, as I'm yours." Jon Snow + Ygritte 4evah! Mixed media matchbox  - Nichola Battilana

"You're mine. Mine, as I'm yours."

"You're mine. Mine, as I'm yours." Jon Snow + Ygritte 4evah! Mixed media matchbox  - Nichola Battilana

Jon Snow + Ygritte 4evah!

I did love those two as a couple but I'm much more of a Littlefinger or Sandor groupie than a Jon Snow girl. "Only the ladder is real. The climb is all there is." Yeah, baby!

Game of Thrones craft package - Nichola Battilana

Time to pack up all these bits and send them on their way. I hope she likes them as much as I've enjoyed making them for her.

And a happy Monday to you, lovely! There seems to be an epidemic of the 'blahs!' going around so I hope the world is nice to you today. 

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Light and Magic in the Cemetery

I've always spent time in cemeteries. As a child I'd practice math by figuring out the age of the deceased while wandering through the rows. As I grew older it was the history, the beauty of those places, the artistry and symbolism of the stones that appealed to me. Now, it's the quiet, and an appreciation of natures ability to wear down those strong edges, the lichen blurring the facts of death.

There is a small cemetery very close to my house. The Bullis', the people who built our house, now reside there.

All of my visits have been during the day... until last week.

I was running late and it was nearing dusk, but I wanted to get in a quick walk with the dog. Walking up the entry lane way to the cemetery I saw a single light shifting colour near one of the gravestones. I thought it was a bit weird but as I made my way deeper into the yard more and more lights revealed themselves. 

Stringed lights, colour changing lights, lights shaped like humming birds, white lights, red lights, green lights... you name it! All over this tiny little cemetery lights glowed beside the headstones. 

You would think that a graveyard might be a frightening place to visit in the almost dark, but that yard was pure magic!

It was like a celebration!

And I've been back there, soaking up that magic... bringing extra lights for those graves still dimmed.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Sweet Spookiness

It's the first day of fall, Mercury is out of retrograde, Mr Pixie gave me a crystal ball for our anniversary, and all is right with the world.

Today's spookiness is on the sweet side.

It's a coffin, and sure those are a bit creeptastic but inside...

... is a very sweet town overlooked by a happy autumn moon.

The wee houses are some of the clay ones I pit fired in the back garden. The moon is handmade from paperclay. The starts are Tim Holtz Mirrored Stars. The little pumpkins are THESE amazing pods. (They are absolutely one of my favourite products from AlphaStamps.)

And if you're in need of sweet spookiness, this wee thing is listed HERE.

Happy Equinox lovelies! I hope the new season is good to you.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Unsticking the Stuck and The Road Less Traveled

I've been trying to push my boundaries and try new things. There was a time that I was quite fearless, but comfort seems to have softened that edge. Don't get me wrong! There's a goodness to that comes with softening, but I think that a certain amount of courage is needed to live with enthusiasm.

One of the things I've been doing is leaving the house. Every day I go for a walk, long or short, something to get me out into the world. Today I saw this sign.

I have seen the sign before, but today I decided to go down that road. This, by the way, is the road...

It is a road in the very loosest sense, it is a way, but I followed it nonetheless.

Every so often the trees to the sides would clear, showing off views of the surrounding farm land.

Wildflowers sprouted here and there in a showy display.

I even found what I believe to be an honest to goodness faerie house.

It was beautiful and quiet (except for my terrible singing). The temperature was perfect. The breeze made the greenery dance.

And before I knew it, I had reached the end of the road.

As with all of the other things I've pushed myself to do, the road less traveled wasn't that scary.

That path even gave up a few nice surprises to think about on the comfortable road back home.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Internet Strangers and Mad Max Contraption Crafting

My internet buddy and I decided to jump in with both feet and meet in person with two days of drinks, giggles and crafting. It was just the greatest experience. There's a lot of weirdos on the internet, and apparently that's just my type ;) Seriously! I love all of you nuts.

I was trying to think up a craft we could do together and when Paula mentioned wanting to see Mad Max I knew exactly what to do. 

Creeptastic Dollarstore Hot Rods - Nichola Battilana

Ever since seeing Mad Max in the theatre I've had the urge to make little versions of those fantastical vehicles. So we headed to the Dollarstore and bought some plastic cars and a boatload of Halloween skeletons...

Creeptastic Dollarstore Hot Rods - Nichola Battilana

We disassembled, reassembled, and glued this to that. It was serious business!

Creeptastic Dollarstore Hot Rods - Nichola Battilana

Then a good coat of matte black spray paint. As soon as that paint is on there, things start to take shape and we felt like total bad asses!

Creeptastic Dollarstore Hot Rods - Nichola Battilana

Finally we added layers and layers of colour. I am absolutely thrilled with how these turned out.

Creeptastic Dollarstore Hot Rods - Nichola Battilana

Such a fun project that really lends itself to being messy and just enjoying the process of making and tinkering.

Creeptastic Dollarstore Hot Rods - Nichola Battilana

The final pieces are sort of Mad Max meets Geiger meets DeMeng and I'm crazy about all of those things so I'm a-ok with that.

Here's Paula's fantastic contraption...
Creeptastic Dollarstore Hot Rods - Nichola Battilana

 Isn't it just so great? And she claims she's not a crafter! Pffft!

Creeptastic Dollarstore Hot Rods - Nichola Battilana

I am particularly smitten with this car because it lights up and makes vrooomy noises.

Creeptastic Dollarstore Hot Rods - Nichola Battilana

Such a fun project. Such a good time.

Yay for internet strangers that become good buddies.