Friday, November 11, 2011

Lest we forget.

In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie,
In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.

~ John McCrae

Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Moving Messes and Moony Goodness

Although I have a bazillion things on the go and lovely ideas floating around my head, my fingers have decided to be difficult. Things just aren't going as swimmingly as I'd like. Glue and string, ribbons and glitter have decided to go on strike and not play nice. So I took the hint and left all the making alone today, cleaning out the studio space. This basically means I moved all the crap in the studio into other rooms and made them messy instead.

One of the things I have been working on is some  paperclay snowballs. In the spirit of being a pain in the bum some of them decided they didn't want to be snowballs after all and became moons instead.

They are pleased as punch to be moons. Just moons. No fiddling about or funny business with these fellows. When I attempted to make them into mobiles, with a glittery night sky and twinkly stars, they became difficult too!

I suppose that some days it's best to take a hint and leave well enough alone :)

Monday, November 07, 2011

The Stash-busting Foundations of Tinsel Street

I've been seeing those little sparkly Putz houses everywhere and I'm in love. Being a glitter-holic I jumped right on board and decided to make my own little glittery homes. Because I do everything with far too much enthusiasm, eyes closed and with both feet, I've got a dozen dreamy abodes on the go. There's a candy coloured Christmas village in my future.

The best thing about these wee places is that they're made from cut up cereal boxes and decorated (in large part anyway) with items that are sitting in my stash that have been largely ignored... except for the gorgeous butterfly sent by rackycoo *swoon*.

I realize that this is a Christmassy sort of post, but rest assured, although I'll be a tad coo-coo for Christmas early this year, I solemnly swear that I Remember in November also. Be sure you do the same :)

Thursday, November 03, 2011

Once upon two times...

I don't think I ever showed off these gentlemen. They've just finished telling me their stories. I'll tell you, but don't go spreading it around... they might be slightly embarrassed by some of it and gossip is in rather bad form isn't it.

Colonel Whatsit. He prefers to be called "The Col." as though he were the only one. He is a tiny bit arrogant but that's only to mask his insecurities. Mostly he's very nice. You can tell he's a good egg because he carries sweets in his pocket and secretly shares them with children who are slightly naughty.

This is Professor Quant. No one is certain what he is a professor of, but he is always in a hurry and seems to be quite busy, so he must be very important. Quant forever seems to have something else on his mind entirely, and usually looks a little bit sad, like he forgot his lunch on the counter top. In reality he's pining for the beautiful Ms.Eliza Pennybottom. He believes wholeheartedly that she is far too beautiful and exuberant for the likes of him. Ms. Eliza quite likes the Professor and thinks he is a true gentle man. She imagines that his touch would be warm, soft and somehow electric. What a shame that he's too shy to ever dare profess his love. Silly bastard.

Available here

Tuesday, November 01, 2011

The Storyteller's House Update

I've been working away on The Storytellers House and have two rooms almost done. It's been all stops and spurts with this one. Giant chunk done one day, nearly nothing the next. Here's a peek at what's brewing...

The 'study' is almost done.

The reading room is almost there too. The lovely thing about nonsense is that it doesn't matter one bit if there's a pumpkin patch growing beneath a beanstalk inside a tiny house :)

That little rocking chair is one of my most favourite things. I bought it at an auction house last year for around $1. It's fairly fabulous.

That's it for the house for a little while. I've got to let my ideas simmer before moving forward. Besides I've got at least 1,324 projects in an unfinished state waiting for some attention.


Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

Hope your Halloween is filled with loads of candy and just the right amount of mischief.

P.S. Just ignore the dirty floor. There's far more fun things to do with a broom today than sweeping.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Groovy Grave Halloweeny ATC's

I don't have anything new to show off today so I thought I'd do a little Halloweeny image giveaway instead.

You know the rules. Use as you like. Make loads of stuff and a big fat mess. Don't distribute these images, sell or give, alone or as a group. (You can share these BUT the bottom stuff must be kept intact and a link back is appreciated.) These are NOT for commercial use. They are for fabulous crafty folk to make lovely things with. Violators may notice strange burning sensations in terrible places. Believe me, it's better if you just play nice.

And, in case you missed it last time around, here's a page filled with spooky words typed up on my old Underwood.