It's hot. I'm sticking to everything. 'Nuf said.
It may be a little quiet around here over the next while as I get ready for Brighton's Streetfest on July 14th and our VERY BIG (you can tell it's important because of the capital shouty letters) Open House on August 4th.
I've started revealing the fairy spots in the garden but there's a load of work left to do. I'm not sure just how much will get done in the heat but we'll see. Here's one of my very old trees in the first stages of 'fairyfication' (... that's my word now, you can use it but you've got to give me credit.)
Also in Pixie news, "The Other Slipper" was bottled and has been abandoned.
I was sort of afraid of being spotted making the drop so I had two helpers do the deed for me. You can see the jar beside that white bucket on the left. No word from a finder yet but I'm not holding my breath that I'll get a reply at all ... though I'd love one... really... it would totally make my day.
And finally, a heads up to check out
Alpha Stamps and their
yahoo group. I'd bet my bottom dollar that you'll be interested in some of the upcoming themes and swaps they'll be hosting. Here's some super cute examples from their recent "Beach Postcard" swap.
by Karen Cejka
by Mollie Huddleston
by Carmen Willis
Now, I'm off to stuff some ice down my shirt in a sad attempt to cool down. Keep cool kiddies!