Monday, February 04, 2013

Moonwort and Japanese Teacups

I am continually amazed by my two acre world and the new discoveries and small joys it provides. This morning, on our walk to the bus stop, I spied something in the snow. A branch from a Silver Dollar plant, also called Moonwort. AlchemyWorks says that it is good for keeping away monsters and gathering midnight, moon charged dew. How lovely!

We went thrifting a few weeks ago and found some tiny Japanese tea cups. The fairies immediately took up residence in them...

And for sizing reference, here's one of the tiny cups beside a normal dainty teacup.

Friday, February 01, 2013

The Borrowers Box

What does a fairy lovin' mess maker create for's challenge no. 83, a shoebox makeover?


Yeah, not so exciting... BUT WAIT! Some things are not as simple as they appear... THIS box is a Borrower's Box!

The box as it was made completely with stash, junk, and found or free objects. 
(P.S. THANK YOU to all of my fabulous crafty patrons who send me stuff xoxo)

 A bed made from an old sardine tin with a mossy pillow. The nightstand is a checker piece with bead feet.

The ladder is made from two old paintbrushes and matchsticks. 
Notice the 'nerf' dart to the left? Yeah, there's about a zillion of them hiding all over my house.

 A spool chair and a table made from a button and matchsticks.
(No wonder my bird feeder is empty. It's borrowers!)

The bottom floor is filled with necessary borrowing supplies like twine, pins, thumbtacks, birthday candles and, of course, super glue.

Here's an 'in progress' shot of that same area where you can see how it was built. The upper floors are made from an old game board that has been sliced up. The floor rests on clothespegs that have been taken apart. The springy part of the pegs were then bent and are now hooks for hanging things. And, you can also see the bottom floor has a cozy rug made from a burlap rice bag.

The only inkling that there's anything 'different' about this box is this tiny window on the back.

Other than that, all closed up, it's just a regular old shoe box.


Now, what to do with that box?

Should I put it up for auction to raise fund for the Pixie Project?
(although shipping the thing scares the bejezus out of me)


Abandon it for my local library, with a note that it should be kept in their childrens section?
(Our library is TINY... itty bitty even! I don't think it would incur too much damage.)

Any other ideas? Comment below.

There's a poll on the top right of the page. Vote away!

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

A visitor

I was working away in my upstairs office this past weekend when I saw a huge owl swoop down and settle in on of the trees which shades our vegetable patch. Quick as a bunny I grabbed my camera and ran downstairs. I tried to be very sneaky and very quiet to get a good photo of the feathery thing. Turns out that owls aren't that bothered by humans and he stayed exactly where he was.

He looked at me curiously, but didn't seem to mind my snapping too much.

He was quite large. I'd say at least 18" tall. I'm fairly certain that this visitor was a Barred Owl. They have the blackest eyes you can imagine. Quite eerie to peer into actually. Have you ever had a close encounter with an owl?

Monday, January 28, 2013

Toadstool Cottages

I made these this weekend...

There's something so perfect about a toadstool being transformed into a fairy cottage or gnome home. It's completely logical.

They measure approximately 4.5" tall. The toadstools are paper mache, the doors are wood, the little knob is a tiny metal brad, add some moss, some gorgeous little paper roses and 'Ta da!'


I've made four in all. This one has been listed on etsy,
I think the others will be sent to local shops.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Beatrice vs Bellatrix

Last April we bought a hamster.

I am not a big fan of rodents but we were at an auction and the kid was beggin', and it came with all the bells and whistles so I agreed. I remembered when I was a young gal and had guinea pigs and birds... things I could call my own and take care of. Besides, it was such a small addition to our growing menagerie.

For a week we tried different names to see if they fit. Mr. Grumpy Pants, Grumpaloo, Hammy, Tom, Bacon... nothing seemed to stick. Nevermind, interest in our newest family member didn't last very long anyway.

First it bit D. I tried to explain that the hamster was soooo tiny that it was probably just frightened. Yeah, the kid didn't care about that bit of logic.

Then it would run in it's wheel in the middle of the night. D would come into our room with sleep in his eyes, woken up by the noise. "He can't help it. Hamsters are nocturnal. He just wants to play." I'd explain.

Soon after he was moved into the guest room where he would 'play' with the ball in his water bottle waking up the whole house.

And so that hamster was moved into my studio where he has been watered and fed and otherwise completely ignored.

Until now...

Over Christmas a little visitor came into my studio and asked lots of questions about 'the hamster'. I explained that he lived in my studio, away from everyone and was pretty much ignored because he was a bit of a jerk. Later, I felt badly about calling the little thing a jerk. I mean none of that was his fault. So I made up my mind to make nice with the little fellow.

"Maybe you should see if someone else wants him." Mr. Pixie said out of the blue.

"No! We took him. We'll take care of him. I've decided to rename him Beatrice and that we're going to become great friends." I replied. Mr Pixie shook his head.

And so I've been giving Beatrice extra treats and speaking with her while I do my crafting. Tonight I cleaned out her habitat, rearranged her tunnels, arranged everything extra nice and even put in a shiny new food dish. When I was done, Beatrice ran around like crazy and Mr. Pixie put on a squeaky voice saying "What have you done with my space woman?! You f'n changed it it all!" I hate to say it but it really seemed like that was exactly what the furry little thing was saying.

Here's a photo of wee 'Beatrice' with a fat slice of apple, in a sparkling clean cage.

Ummm, perhaps more of a Bellatrix than a Beatrice?

*Sigh*  If I'm honest he looks more like Voldmort and I'm pretty certain that my plan is destined to fail because he is in fact a bit of a jerk after all.

Ah well, if we can't be chums at least I can keep him warm and fed and out of trouble.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

A little more love...

I really need to focus on "work" stuff but my heartstrings get tugged and I'm pulled every which way!

Last week one of the members of the Art Abandonment FB group posted a link to an organization called Inspiration Through Art. I immediately fell in love and dropped everything I was doing to participate in their Valentine Card Drive.

So I grabbed the Alpha Stamps Bathing Beauties #3 Collage Sheet, created a little fairy scene, and printed out a bunch-o-cards to send to those gorgeous kidlets.

Sometimes it really doesn't take much to make a big difference. So get to makin' and send a kid a card would ya! Go HERE for the Valentine Information or visit the FB page.


Tuesday, January 22, 2013

For just pennies a day....

Ok, first of all I pinky swear that I'm not going to bother you over and over again. I don't even like selling chocolate bars for my kid so this is particularly awkward. This is a one time nudge for help.

This summer the 'Fairy Tour' will be revived at Pixie Hill. Once again, there will be no cost to visit and explore. BUT this year the exhibit will remain for most of the summer. The 'Tour' will then migrate to 'The Gates', our local arts and culture centre. Again, there will be no fee to stroll through the exhibit. There will be a third stop for the exhibit, and at least one children's art workshop added to this year's migration.

Here's the thing. Last year I funded the entire project myself. I hired an assistant to help with the set up, paid for all materials and transportation, printed all of my own material, and used every means of free advertising at my disposal.

Unfortunately, this year, my financial situation has changed and I need your help.

By sending a few bob, you become a funder of this project and help to make it bigger and better. You ensure that the magic spreads farther, and more people affected. Don't get me wrong, the tour will continue no matter how much finding is received. I can stretch a penny like no one's business! Funding eases the financial burden, but lack of funds does not mean demise.

Anywho... I'm just putting it out there. If you want to help me make some magic I'd love you forever. If you just want to help spread the word... I'd love you just as much.

Hop over to the Indiegogo page for this project and share, tweet, like and spread the word!

Thanks & big wet kisses!